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Welcome to Real World Institute


Congratulations on your decision to apply to attend RWI.  RWI is a private school, so there will be tuition, however, we make every effort to keep tuition low.


The application and brochure buttons on the right side of this page will become active soon.  Please check back this spring.


The application process is simple.  Just follow the steps below.

1. FIll out the application and submit to the school by the provided deadline (you will see this on the application)

2. Provide the necessary documents (most recent IEP, proof of address, guardian papers if appriopriate).

3.  An administrator will set up a meeting with you and your student to discuss expectations, tuition, and other items as appropriate.



Please check back to see when the next Open House will be scheduled.

To request more information:

Contact us 

Mon-Fri 8am - 4pm


You can also request more information with this form:

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